virgo january 2021

Virgo January 2021

Virgo January 2021

August 23 to September 22


Be free. Stop letting the burdens of life, in particular your life, get you down. You’ll start to sniff out a bit of freedom in the month of January 2021 and you’ll think to yourself ‘why the heck aren’t I experiencing more of this?’ Good fkng question Virgo. What’s your answer?


Whatever your answer to why you aren’t experiencing and living with more freedom, start to make some shifts and changes to your life so you can invite and experience more freedom, small and large. Otherwise, you’re likely to get sick of yourself.

virgo january 2021


Channelled guidance for your sun sign for the month of January 2021.



Leo January 2021

26th December, 2020

Libra January 2021

26th December, 2020